
Exits and Entrances, 2020. Exhibition shot. Photographer credit: Jack McCombe

Exits and Entrances, 2020. Alan Currall and Colin Cruise. 4K UHD video with sound, 19' 22".

Over the course of a year, and along a regular walking route, I produced a series of photographs of small, but modestly spectacular, hill pools in the Scottish Southern Uplands. These pools, formed as a result of historical lead mining activity in the area, sit atop the hill that stands behind my home. When a friend and former tutor, Emeritus Professor of Art History, Colin Cruise saw these photographs he felt compelled to respond through a collection of poems written from the perspective of these pools. My own existing research around ideas of knowledge, belief and perception found a provocative foil in Colin’s interest in the Romantic, and the imaginative potential of invented mythology. During an extended period of dialogue we worked on several ideas for the future development of this project, which may include a publication and/or exhibition. This particular work, was made for the exhibition, Practicing Landscape: Land, Histories and Transformation, at The Lighthouse, Glasgow. It uses video created from a selection of the photographs set to Colin’s readings of some of his poems, which I have underscored with my own soundtrack.

Watch an HD version of Exits and Entrances online here.